Parker Flats Friday

YAY! Finally that time of year again, Parker Flats means nothing if not the great outdoors. Throwing open the city door, drinking espresso's and reading the paper on a sunny afternoon.

Parker Flats March 20 2010
Parker Flats March 20 2010
Parker Flats March 20 2010

who's that pimping on the tweetdeck twittering? spy shot from Dan & Erica.

Flickr Photo by prolix21: the tweetdeck

Then drinking some cold brews as the day turns into night.
Parker Flats March 20 2010[where:353 west 4th street cincinnati ohio 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati parker flats condo


  1. better question; hows the heating situation with "windows" for walls?

  2. i mean that genuinely. neat places to say the least, but not sure cincy climate is the best fit. any more available on the south side of the building?

  3. I don't think in regards to heating/cooling its any better or worse than anywhere else. When it got cold in the condo, everyone I knew complained about how cold their house/condo/apartment was.
    But we have the added bonus of living in the most awesome condo in Cincinnati.

    Talk to Mark about available units.
