Fountain Square. in 3-D
Journey to the Center of the Earth had some mixed results given the quality of the LCD screen. It was mostly ok, but after awhile I just pulled the glasses off and watched without. Kept the niece and nephews engaged the entire movie though, i was worried they'd get bored fast.
Labels: Fountain Square
Vine-L Friday
I didn't get that at first
OK I'm slow on the uptake sometimes. sue me!
Anyhow wicked hot Friday night and Ms 5chw4r7z is out with friends so I did a loop by myself.
What? Like I'm not going to run into someone I know or anyone incredibly interesting?
Yeah like that will ever happen in OTR.
I'm super into primitive/graffiti art, I'd have the condo packed with this if Ms 5chw4r7z's taste in art aligned with mine a little more.
AVS/Kevin White at William Joseph home, huge convo on if Sanford had kept it in his pants for one more day no one would have known or cared that he skipped town.
Labels: Final Friday, OTR, vine-l
this is a paint marker
[where: 45267]
cincinnati ohio downtown
Labels: graffiti, University of Cincinnati
Parker Flats Friday :: get your ash downtown
I had meant for this to be a guys night, and after some confusion, mostly caused by me it was.
BUT the girls, realizing they had to light charcoal to grill anything, came scurrying back ruining our night.
But it worked out anyhow, they pretty much stayed upwind from us for the evening.
They don't care about the Reds.
They don't care.
Have I mentioned how awesome the TV is when its swung out on the deck?
After that Toronto home run, Kevin threw the cigar on the ground and jumped on it with extreme prejudice.
OK fine, he didn't
but I almost bit mine in half.
I'm old school like that.
blog softly
& smoke a big cigar
Labels: parker flats
I remember the outrage I felt back on 9/11 when a major paper's headline was "America's Innocence Lost"
I was mad because, my thinking at the time was of all the things that happened over the history of the U.S. how innocent were we?
But in some quirk of prescient I couldn't quite touch, but back then could almost feel, and now today I know, we lost our innocence when Farrah Fawcett posed for that poster.
And now she's gone.
God help us all.
Labels: opinion
anonymous. a story
authentic trendiness
a contradiction?
I'm not sure, I'm not going to claim to know Fat Nick and Tony Heitz, but they have a passion about unheardof and its products.
And the trendiness part? anonymous is just a couple week pop-up shop, by definition trendiness is fleeting.
pretty cool idea I think, and a cool little addition to W 4th St.
Anyone notice a theme of what I love about the city?
Yep you hop into anonymous, grab a cool t-shirt and tennis shoes, the place disappears.
Everyone's all "where'd you get that?"
here we go.... this place downtown...t-shirts...skaters...but it's gone you missed it...
a story.
Now this probably isn't or won't be your story, but there many more where that came from
cincinnati ohio downtown
Labels: downtown, west 4th st
Civil Rights Game Youth Summit
A warm afternoon on Fountain Square last Saturday didn't stop people from filling up the Square. The kids were having a blast with batting and pitching practice, there was a SWAT team there showing off one of their vehicles, but the draw was baseball.
a split second later he tapped Phillips on the shoulder and asked, "is that 5chw4r7z?"
we got an ice cream cone and listened to Eric Davis moderate a question and answer session with Brandon Phillips and Jerry Hairston Jr.
You could hear the enthusiasm in their voices, these guys along with everyone else, are going places, as Hairston emphasized, Bruce is only 22, he's got a lot to learn, hes the real deal.
Don't give up on the Reds yet people.
I really like Phillips, I remember back from my Tribe days he was a good getter.
Labels: Fountain Square, Reds
tight t-shirts were scarce in the Short North and it doesn't matter how awesome it is, it can always benifit from an ice cream injection
We were all starving and I think we took the easy way out eating at Bodega, it was good, but I had buyers remorse walking past Northstar, damn, why didn't I try harder to think of somewhere to eat?
Oh well, with like 80 beers on tap at Bodega I suffered through.
just strolling down the street, something caught Jackie's eye in the window of Substance and we walked in, it looked crazy expensive at first, and a couple of the nicer dresses were, but the sales were incredible. Jackie cleaned up and Ms. 5chw4r7z found an awesome dress for an outdoor wedding coming up. We got to talking and Christina, the owner, and she's from Cincinnati and knows our good friend Dan from Park+Vine.
How crazy is that? small world.
Thanks Christina for hooking everyone up!
How funny this was on a table in the shop next door to Jeni's?
Is it surprising that Jeni's had a line around the block?[where: 45202]columbus ohio downtown short north high street
Our good friend Jackie was in Columbus passing through, we couldn't let her get this close and not see her.
Funny as excited as I was, it was a really relaxing drive up, we were in the middle of Ohio with nothing but two iPhones, our wits and an occasional cow.
Ms 5chw4r7z did most of the driving, she was worried about my Fast making an appearance and doesn't enjoy 75 mph blasts down backroads.
crows and windmills. Ms 5chw4r7z is amazed we're this far off RT71 and haven't left the state.
Can anyone see this and not turn in for a Big N' Tasty?
Trick question!
Can you feel air and not breathe?
am I the only person geeky enough to get excited over a cell tower?
how about if its the first one we've seen in
Labels: travel