Will a W. 4th St revival stick this time?
Way back in the mid-aughts, 2005-6 a group of business owners were formulating ambitious plans to launch what they were calling the Soapbox District. In the southwest corner of downtown featuring W. 4th the plans including reverting Plum St to two way traffic and using the extra space from eliminated lanes for a small pocket park. Remember the proposed restaurant Boss Cox? They even worked with a local brewer on their own branded beer.
Then the recession hit.
Fast forward 10 years and years of businesses coming and going, the Loring Group has waded into the neighborhood to try and turn the street's fortunes. The Loring Group now controls six properties including 300 apartments and almost a whole blocks worth of street-level retail. They are using the formula that has worked so well for 3CDC, rather than a business here and there, they want to develop a whole block at once.
W. 4th has a lot going for it, the historic buildings are beautiful. Soon the 4th and Race project will begin and a possible hotel at 4th and Plum will bring more foot traffic than the area has seen in years.
If you don't visit the area regularly then you'd be surprised at all the activity. Buildings are getting the attention they haven't in years, fresh paint and mortar joints repaired. They've already made a big difference on the street. It's going to be interesting to see how this all plays out, The Loring Group definitely isn't shy about employing some cheesy promotions for their property.

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