Cincinnati Supper Club: The Twenty Third

Bianca and Shawn hosted last night in their Hyde Park home. The served up a South African Braai style dinner that was fabulous.
It still amazes me and reinforces the idea behind the these dinners, we have a few new people every time and they all have a blast.
People still crave shared genuine experiences and a good story.
Thanks everyone who participated, if you'd like to get in on this, trek over to the Cincinnati Supper Club website, leave a comment and I'll add you to the mailing list, or add the blog to your RSS feeder, they fill up fast.

Cincinnati Supper Club: The Twenty Third
Cincinnati Supper Club: The Twenty Third
Cincinnati Supper Club: The Twenty Third
Cincinnati Supper Club: The Twenty Third
Cincinnati Supper Club: The Twenty Third

I love that theres never a dull moment around the foodhussy, I'm sure she must hate me by now though, I always capture her with a priceless look on her face.

Cincinnati Supper Club: The Twenty Third[where:Zumstein Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45208]cincinnati supper club ohio oakley dinner food beer wine