i scream you scream

Can't drive north without a stop at Jeni's, cool thing, me being a creature of habit, Jeni's always has something new forcing me to try new flavors whether I want to or not. I would get vanilla every time and be happy, but Jeni's isn't about to let that happen. Its like a whole flatboat committee working together behind the scenes to make sure I have a Niagra Falls of flavor to choose from.

Jeni's Ice creams
Jeni's Ice creams

I like this new bakeshop inspiration.
Jeni's Ice creamsJeni's Ice creams
Jeni's Ice creams
Jeni's Ice creams
[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio


  1. somebody's learning how to use the low f/stop on their new camera to good effect. Nice wrka bob.

  2. Coffee Please in Madeira is now carrying 18 flavors of Jeni's Ice Cream.

    If you can handle a trip way out to Dilly Deli then I think you can go just a little farther up the road...

