The most significant tweetup in Cincinnati.
Can twitter be translated to blog?
kellyhudson Below Zero is hopping for OTRTweetup!
5chw4r7z Tons of people at below zero
kate_the_great what are you doing? the party is rockin' at OTRtweetup
marybethonline had to leave the OTRtweetup early, total bummer! It was fantastic to catch up with @KristaNeher and meet so many new tweeple!
kate_the_great sanitarium. secrets. tiny underwear. were talking crazy shit at the OTRtweetup!
5chw4r7z @kate_the_great won't show me the tiny underwear :-{
kellyhudson The trouble with a tweetup - it's hard for me to Twitter and mingle at the same time!
5chw4r7z OTRTweetup has moved toLavo, still having fun, coolest people in Cincy
5chw4r7z Everyones stressn about Bengals Ok, fine I am
redkatblonde Who Dey @schw4r7z![where:OTR 45202]cincinnati ohio downtown twitter
Sounds like you all had a blast. All the crazy fun stuff always happens after I head out.