UBBC Cincinnati Pride Ride 2016

In recognition of Cincinnati's LGBT Pride Week, the Urban Basin Bicycle Club and Cincinnati Pride co-hosted a group bike ride throughout downtown and Covington. The Pride ride has been one of the larger rides this season, It was amazing seeing people stop and smile and snap pictures or videos as we rode past. A bunch of crazy bike riders in bright outfits will do that.
What is the Urban Basin Bicycle Club? Every Tuesday at 6:45 UBBC leaves Fountain Square for a ride around the urban basin. They are themed rides and they usually end at a local bar for refreshments. No special bike, clothes or equipment is needed, pump up the tires, jump on your creaky bike and head downtown.

Pride Ride
Pride Ride
Pride Ride
Pride Ride
Pride Ride
Pride Ride
Pride Ride
Pride Ride
Pride Ride
Pride Ride
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