lets keep Cincinnati on the right track

No on 48
As Jerry McGuire once famously said, “It’s an up-at-dawn, pride swallowing siege…”
A fundraiser/pep rally to kick off the campaign to defeat issue 48 was held last night at Japp’s on Main St, literally on the streetcar route. I heard many encouraging things, one of the more interesting that Duke has done some investigation into the streetcar and is now on board with the idea and has put money towards it, good news.
No on 48

The politics on this keep getting crazier and crazier.
Wednesday the County Commissioners voted not to do federally-mandated sewer upgrades during streetcar construction actually lowering the cost for the streetcar construction and up to doubling their own costs.
No on 48
Also on Wednesday Retired Federal Judge Nathaniel Jones, the former General Counsel for the NAACP, and Doctor Milton Hinton, former head of the Cincinnati chapterof the NAACP came out strongly against Issue 48 stating anything that raised a barrier to movement for jobs should be opposed.
"The single most important issue with 48 and with rail transit is the availability of jobs," Said Dr. Milton Hinton.

The League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area opposes the anti-streetcar issue

And the Enquirer is going to recommend voting NO on 48

Issue 48 is a job and economic development killing amendment, vote no on Issue 48.
Please click here and donate to help us defeat this crippling Amendment that would hand-cuff our City and prevent our region from moving forward with critical transportation plans that create jobs and make Cincinnati more economically competitive.

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  1. Care to speculate on the number of people?

  2. 50 or so? Its hard to say, I was there awhile and people were leaving and others coming in.
    Maybe 75.
