There are both people who want change and people who fear change

Just over 14 months ago I expressed the hope that the events that led up to Ferguson would be a turning point in racial relationships and dialog in America.
That was really naive of me, the status quo will never willingly change.
I got a good education yesterday from the supercilious experts on facebook. Just like everything else, caring about your fellow man has become highly politicized. If you express concern for another human being you're a liberal. I thought caring just made me a decent human being.
Someone even posted a study showing African-Americans were less likely to be shot than whites. This is where we are now, rationalizing the murder of black men. Not that we haven't all been victim blaming for years.
Black lives right now in America absolutely do not matter.
And that is a damn shame.

Black Lives matter
Black Lives matter
Black Lives matter
Black Lives matter
Black Lives matter
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  1. I think the politicization comes from the idea that a black man is much more likely to be killed by a fellow black man than a police officer. There has been a black on black murder nearly every two hours on weekends in Chicago this summer.

    No one marches about that.

    It doesn't excuse police brutality or racism, but it should put both in context.

    Ferguson, which the Justice Department ruled as a justifiable homicide, has been used by BLM inflame tensions and may have indirectly led to the murder of several police officers.

    The statistics are whatever people want to prove. That said:

    Most cops aren't racist, black men have much more to fear from other black men than the police, and if people keep murdering police officers, this will end VERY badly for law and order and our communities.

    Peace out.

    1. Police should be protecting Americans, not gunning them down in the streets.
      THAT is what people are protesting.
      As long as people such as yourself continue to victim blame nothing will change.

    2. And your comment on black on black crime. I hope to hell it is more common for civilians to commit murder than it is for police. If not we are really in trouble.

  2. "Hand up don't shoot" is not based reality.
    You did see that video of Michael Brown getting gunned down while he was holding his hands above his head right?
    Last I heard that was reality.

    It is important that every race be treated equally under the law.
    We agree on something.
