Big Mac

Big Mac[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

Sid Saturday

Sid[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

I lean against the wind, pretend that I am weightless

downtown[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

on the riverfront

some scientist propose humans prospered and dominated because they were generalist
some say it was the ability to quickly adapt
whats this have to do with sitting on the river or smoking cigars?
its amazing how a couple weeks of obscene weather can make a heat index of "only" 98 feel comfortable.
felt down right amazing sitting on the river last night

Beer Sellar cigar smoke
Beer Sellar cigar smoke

watching the Reds and a waitress in a skimpy outfit run around reminded me of a quote from Klinger
A good cigar is like a beautiful chick with a great body who also knows the National League box scores. ~M*A*S*H, Klinger
Lenendario Bertha Madura
Beer Sellar cigar smoke
Beer Sellar cigar smoke
Beer Sellar cigar smoke
Beer Sellar cigar smoke

The sunset had everyone outside snapping pictures
Beer Sellar cigar smoke
Beer Sellar cigar smoke
Beer Sellar cigar smoke
[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

no rest for the weary, the anti-progress anti-streetcar people are at it again

Lets see, if you look at things you can measure, things like say, elections and turnouts at town hall meetings, Cicinnatians are overwhelmingly in favor of the streetcar.
If on the other hand you want to believe anecdotal evidence put forth by the Anderson township based anti-city CAVE* men, well then that's a different story.
But we're not here for fiction, a suburban dream world where gas is forever $1.00 a gallon and you get to drive everywhere for everything.
A suburban dream world where a $100 million project in Middletown is a no brainer, just parrot "roads" "economy" "access" and no one questions it. But engineering studies, university economic impact studies for urban transit are meaningless.
Urbanites and progressives want a little more out of life here in the city, something more meaningful than spending our life in a car. We're facing down the most dangerous and city killing Charter amendment ever.

GOD, I wish I had one word to argue the point like the opponents do, but I don't so I pulled this off the Cincinnatians for Progress website.It highlights how dangerous and ugly Charter Article XVI is.
OK, that's my take, but whether you are for or against the streetcar you should be against Charter Article XVI and here's why.

What it says: “The City shall not spend or appropriate any money on the design, engineering,
construction or operation of a Streetcar System, or any portion thereof.”
What it means: This phrase prevents the city from spending any money on anything
related to preparing any kind of passenger rail transit in Cincinnati.
What it says: “Further, the City shall not incur any indebtedness or contractual obligations for the
purpose of financing, designing, engineering, construction or operating of a Streetcar System, or any
portion thereof.”
What it means: This language would make it impossible to accept federal grants, to issue
bonds, to enter into public-private partnerships for passenger rail. Even private
investment in a rail system in the city limits would be illegal.
What it says: “This Amendment applies from the date it is certified to the Charter, and will continue in
effect until December 31, 2020.”
What it means: The arbitrary 10-year ban on preparation is designed to force new transit
planning to start from square one in 2021. Because permanent infrastructure requires
many years to develop, this language would guarantee Cincinnati sees no rail-based
transit for a generation.
What it says: “For purposes of this Amendment, the term 'Streetcar System' means a system of
passenger vehicles operated on rails constructed primarily in existing public rights of way ...”
What it means: The term "streetcar system" in this amendment would ban all rail that
runs in on Cincinnati streets or rights-of-way. That would prevent commuter rail and
streetcars alike; even restoring the city's historic inclines would be outlawed.
What it says: “...The term 'City' includes without limitation the City, the Manager, the Mayor, the
Council, and the City’s various boards, commissions, agencies and departments …”
What it means: Under this language, even Cincinnati's Metro system could not consider
taking advantage of future national and regional funding programs.
What it says: “...The term 'money' means any money from any source whatsoever....”
What it means: This language would not only lock out local, state and federal funds, but
make it illegal for corporations, non-profits and individuals to pay for rail-based transit.

*Citizens Against Virtually Everything
The CAVE men are a large, fractious confederation of people who are defined by what they are against. They are reactionary, wrongheaded and backward looking.

cincinnati streetcar

Image courtesy; Cincinnati Streetcar Blog

This is, I shit you not, is straight off their twitter account,

Coming soon to Cincinnati: Streetcar Pole Dancing Class! #LetsGo rub our naughty bits on a trolley pole.

Funny? yes. Sad? yes, sadly. This is the mentality we're dealing with.

[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

this weekend in Cincinnati...nothing happened

and it was glorious
hung out at a pool and a fire escape.

downtown Cincinnati
downtown Cincinnati

I wanted to climb up on the roof but Ms 5chw4r7z was freaking out enough as it was, so, no dice
downtown Cincinnati
downtown Cincinnati
downtown Cincinnati
downtown Cincinnati
downtown Cincinnati
downtown Cincinnati
[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

old man OTR

Washington Park construction[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

Sid Saturday

Sid[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati
2 angry meows

Cincinnati Imports

Even though its been hotter than snot the Imports happy hour had a pretty good turnout Wednesday night at the City View Tavern. This place has some history to it, apparently Charles Manson made a habit of drinking tequila shots there so they stopped serving it. Not a big deal to me though.
Everyone raved about the burgers, next time I need to go hungry and try one.

City View Tavern
City View Tavern
City View Tavern

You don't have to be a transplant to come to a Cincinnati Imports happy hour, anyone who feels they can never have enough open-minded social media connected spontaneous friends should attend one and hang out. You won't be sorry you did.
City View Tavern
City View Tavern
City View Tavern
City View TavernCity View Tavern
City View Tavern
[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

I think the city is missing a marketing opportunity here...

Fountain Square (Ohio) is for Lovers

Fountain square
Fountain square[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati
2 big hugs

Inspired by Anne at the Museum Center

If you go to the Cincinnati Museum Center between now and September 4 make sure to stroll through the Inspired by Anne exhibit.
From the press release,
The creative exhibit will be featured in Cincinnati July 16-September 4, 2011, in the South Gallery at Cincinnati Museum Center’s Cincinnati History Museum. The Cincinnati History Museum will also feature the Landor employees’ fashion designs inspired by Anne, a recreation of Wainscott’s studio, and actual newspaper ads that Wainscott created.
The exhibit honors Anne Wainscott, 94, a fashion illustrator for Shillito’s Department Store and Cincinnati Enquirer for nearly five decades. Wainscott’s thousands of drawings and paintings also appeared in the Times Star, Post and various trade journals. A fashion illustrator acted as the primary creative director for each piece of clothing – signaling nuances of luxurious furs to the fine detailing of an elaborately beaded gown.

Some pictures from opening night.

Inspired by Anne
Inspired by Anne
Inspired by Anne
Inspired by Anne
Inspired by Anne
Inspired by Anne
Inspired by Anne
Anne, a spry 94 is still getting around pretty good.
Inspired by Anne[where: 45202]Anne Wainscott Cincinnati Fashion Week Cincinnati Museum Center Landor Associates Inspired illustrator

they didn't invent Saturday mornings at Findlay Market, thats just silly

Been some interesting discussions lately on parking at Findlay and the disappearance of smaller farmers selling produce.
My thoughts on the smaller farmers disappearing is this, I've noticed as farmers have left and been replaced by shops selling prepared food that the amount of people have increased. Seeing how the popularity of farmers markets is increasing across the country I don't know if this is a coincidence or cause and effect.
On the parking front, seems many people I've talked to don't feel its a lack of parking that is the issue, the problem is its all condensed into a couple hour period on a Saturday afternoon. The most interesting proposal I've heard came from a shop owner proposing they charge for parking from noon to 2pm on Saturday and Sundays to spread out the customers.
Interesting idea.
One thing I do know, the bike is the way to get there.

Findlay Market
Findlay Market

The best kept secret at Findlay? Dojo Gelato has a new espresso machine which I've been taking advantage of. If my Sundays consist of sitting on the tweetdeck with the NYTimes and a coffee and cigar, my Saturdays are going to be a laid back espresso and cigar at the market.
Findlay Market
Findlay Market
Findlay Market

I found a link to the 350 project on The City Flea blog. Now I've been preaching this forever, you buy something from a local owner and the majority of the money stays right here. Buy something from a chain and the majority of the money leaves. So, make a commitment to spend $50 a month at three of your favorite local businesses, a dime and change over $4 a business for $12.50 a week! and watch the community grow.
Findlay Market

This is why we need to, have to stop designing cities for cars and start thinking about people again. One of the biggest reasons for the rise of farmers markets is the space they create. A piazza, walkable and enjoyable. All you have to do is take a look around Findlay and Fountain Square to know this is true. When the Banks and Washington Park come online just watch them explode with people too. Does it get anymore big city feel than this, a group of friends splitting a loaf of bread and drinking coffee. Then a couple walking past with flowers and munching bread mimicked a one of the first Parisians we saw walking around on vacation last year.
Findlay Market
Findlay Market
[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati