Inspired by Anne at the Museum Center
If you go to the Cincinnati Museum Center between now and September 4 make sure to stroll through the Inspired by Anne exhibit.
From the press release,
The creative exhibit will be featured in Cincinnati July 16-September 4, 2011, in the South Gallery at Cincinnati Museum Center’s Cincinnati History Museum. The Cincinnati History Museum will also feature the Landor employees’ fashion designs inspired by Anne, a recreation of Wainscott’s studio, and actual newspaper ads that Wainscott created.
The exhibit honors Anne Wainscott, 94, a fashion illustrator for Shillito’s Department Store and Cincinnati Enquirer for nearly five decades. Wainscott’s thousands of drawings and paintings also appeared in the Times Star, Post and various trade journals. A fashion illustrator acted as the primary creative director for each piece of clothing – signaling nuances of luxurious furs to the fine detailing of an elaborately beaded gown.
Some pictures from opening night.
Anne, a spry 94 is still getting around pretty good.[where: 45202]Anne Wainscott Cincinnati Fashion Week Cincinnati Museum Center Landor Associates Inspired illustrator
Thanks Bob, Anne is a neighbor, great lady, the Landor show was one of the best parties last year.