better/worse @Fringe
Written and performed by Courtney Seiberling, Amelia Henderson and Stacey Vespaziani better/worse explore the personal developments of three young women before, during and after marriage utilizing live performance and taped interviews. The performances were very well played out; I especially liked the Sumo wrestler showdown between “married” and “single”. And as no contemporary story can be told without technology, text messaging between characters was carried off perfectly. The Know over the past years has explored technology and its role in theater and this show continues in that tradition. But unfortunately Saturday night was not the best night for it. I could barely make out the audio and the interviews would end abruptly like some pulled a plug creating a jarring silence until the performers could pick up the action again. Mark it down to first night jitters, hopefully they will have all the kinks worked out for the next show. Over all it was well worth seeing with only one other caveat, after spending an hour hammering out the details of the three women’s single and married relationships, instead of leaving us with a comment on what it means, out of left field comes a statement that the ban on gay marriage had been overturned by the California Supreme Court. Where the heck did that come from and what does that have to do with what we just saw?[where:1120 Jackson Street Cincinnati, OH 45202]cincinnati ohio downtown Know Theatre
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