
For all that the old media is totally not getting social media and using it in the most cringe worthy ways, businesses are a totally different animal. At least the savvy ones are. Its interesting how many with no budgets come up with new ways to engage people. And bigger businesses are catching on fast, you can't be in peoples faces, make it fun, give them an almost instant reward.
And that is how, during a rain delay last week at the Reds game I discovered #instareds.
Here is your plan for scoreboard domination.
post an instagram tagged #instared
wait for the scoreboard pictures to loop until yours pops onto the screen
high-five everyone within high-fiving distance
Get addicted and take more!
The Reds filter the pictures so make it wholesome and fun, they also show the #instareds pictures before games so have fun with it on your way into the park.
These were mine from the game although only two made it up.


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