it was a dark and stormy night. and there were burgers and beers going down

Moerlein Lager House
Moerlein Lager House
Moerlein Lager House

The Moerlein Lager House has been open three weeks already, its funny, hanging out the last Thursday and then again Saturday it already feels like its been there forever.
That storm was amazing too, rolling down the river like a solid wall of doom. It was more bark than bite though.
Moerlein Lager House

You know, a burger can make or break a place, and even though the Moerlein Lager House hasn't trumpeted their burgers they instantly have one of the best in the city. Amazing what some bacon, roast beef and egg and an onion ring will do for a perfectly cooked patty. What the hell, why anyone would pay $10 for a mediocre burger when they can go somewhere like the Lager House and get amazing for a few bucks more is beyond me.
Moerlein Lager House
Moerlein Lager House
Moerlein Lager House

HaHa proof that Germans do have a sense of humor.
Moerlein Lager House

Pete puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like you. But when Charlie Hustle does it he's wearing three World Series rings.
Moerlein Lager House
Moerlein Lager House
[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati
Moerlein Lager House on Urbanspoon

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