Hudepohl Square

We were biking around Saturday morning when I saw the smokestack for Hudepohl sticking up, I know, for long time residents this isn't anything but I had never known where this was, always figured it was hidden in OTR somewhere. Anyhow as I'm taking pictures and staring wide eyed like some hayseed from the country, a guy walks up and asks what I'm up to, so I tell him how I'm just into picture taking. Turns out he's Weal Safi, one of the developers of Hudepohl Square. He gives us an oral tour of the place pointing out features they want to keep and eliminate and what they are expecting to build. The ceilings inside are 35' and they are planning multi-level condos with glass facades. Should make for some dramatic spaces. They are also planning on saving the 17 story smokestack for the historical significance and also just as a trademark.

Hudepohl Square

Hudepohl Square

Hudepohl Square

Hudepohl Square