Illy + Bialetti = espresso heaven

Everywhere we went in Paris it seemed they served Illy coffee. Of course you know how crotchety I am about all things French and it bugged me I loved something French that much.
You can't even imagine how excited I was when I found out Illy is Italian.
I do love me all things Italian.
Did I mention some of the best Italian food outside of Little Italy Cleveland we found in Paris?
Crazy but true.
One last birthday present, whole bean Illy coffee, ground up and brewed in the Bialetti was almost like being right back on the Cours de Vincennes sipping coffee and eating pastries. Ok, one thing I will concede to the French, the best freak'n pastries on earth, almost lighter than air and melt in your mouth.
On a cold afternoon in Cincinnati though, the Illy hit the spot.

Bialetti Moka Express
Bialetti Moka Express
Bialetti Moka Express
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  1. If youre ever in Chicago, grab some Intelligentsia Black Cat espresso. It will blow your mind. I bought a a kilogram of it last year and burned through it.

  2. Illy is all well and good, but I'm rather partial to coffee from Porto Rico. I've been drinking it for as long as I've been a coffee drinker.

  3. My better half is partial to Coffee Emporiums Italian roast El Salvador from a her Bialetti, I'll have to get her some Illy. I prefer the French roast brewed in a French Press, pain in the ass to make two kinds in the morning when I am still asleep.

  4. The things we do for love.
    And coffee.
