Straus Tobacconist

A twitter friend KRSG has been inviting me over to Straus on Saturday mornings all summer, I can't make it but don't give up on me I'd tell him. This past Saturday was finally that Saturday morning I had free. I had only been in the store one other time since I buy about 98% of my cigars online. Surprising how many big name guys you see coming in there, they'd spend a few minutes gabbing with the owners each other and then wander back out.
Things I did not know. 3rd oldest cigar shop in the country still in operation. Opened in 1880. Nice quiet and relaxing way to kill an hour or so on a Saturday morning.

Straus Tobacconist
Straus Tobacconist

I thought it was cool how most of their pipe tobaccos were named after Cincinnati landmarks and neighborhoods. Suite 750, I wonder who resided in that office? The current owners don't know, that blend has been around years and years they said.
Straus Tobacconist
Straus Tobacconist

This can of pipe tobacco is 75 years old, the tobacco is still fragrant, its all in the storage.
Wonder what it would cost if you wanted to buy some since its all that's left.
Straus Tobacconist
Straus Tobacconist
Straus Tobacconist
Straus Tobacconist

Some people really need to get a life, trying to find info on this place online I looked at some yelp reviews, this guys is hilar. I don't understand why, if you hate smoking so much you waste your time reviewing tobacco shops. Some of the gems from his review;
I can't in good conscience recommend this place to anyone
Imagine sitting in the smokestack of a 19th century London factory
you've picked a good place to get enjoy your path to lung cancer
they have whatever instruments are necessary to facilitate your bad habit

Thank you, thank you good citizen for alerting us to the fact that cigar smoking is a dirty filthy habit, I had no idea.[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati



  1. Amazing! I've actually checked this place out, not because I smoke cigars, but because it seemed worthwhile as soon as I first saw it [and it is, isn't it?].

  2. Absolutely, before you had Facebook and Twitter, you had places like this to network.
    Plus Cincinnati history with a direct connection back to 1880.

  3. I have a good buddy who got me into cigars a few years ago. One of the best times we had was sitting in Straus for like 3 hours puffing away. Never did get into the pipe tobacco, but with awesome locally named blends maybe it's time...

  4. One of the very places around that you can light up in and relax.

  5. looks like they have a website too.
