this one belongs to the Reds!

The start of the current winning spree and its been glorious, the Reds have been winning the games they need to win lately instead of the other way around. And we made out with an absolutely amazing Monday night to take it in.

Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati Reds

pure gold it is.
Cincinnati Reds

If you need group tickets see Shannon. Does she have the greatest job in the world or what?
Never mind working for the Reds, she spends all day making people happy, how awseome is that?
Cincinnati Reds

sure, you could eat a veggie dog with all kinds of junk on it
Cincinnati Reds

but this is the preferred 5chw4r7z method
Cincinnati Reds

look at those eyes, Mr. Redlegs is baked!
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati Reds

The most popular person at the ballpark? Votto? Bruce? Phillips? nope, its the beer chick.
Cincinnati Reds

whattya think coach? Hmmm, why dont we strike this guy out? Hey, good idea
Cincinnati Reds
[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati


  1. dude, i forgot to ask u...where'd u get that shirt?

  2. The Reds proshop in the Hall of Fame Museum. But there were only 2 left, the sales lady said it was one of the fastest selling shirts they've had.

  3. Love it. Love it all.

    Shannon's number is: 765.7105... thanks for the shout out, Bob!

  4. *le sigh* me want!
