i came to Cin-say to make rock 'n' roll
along the way, I had to sell my soul
I made some good friends that make me say
I really wannabe in Cin-say
Eagles of Death Metal ~Wannabe in LA
Downtown/OTR where all the excitement is
It sends you a message: you could do more; you should try harder.
So I do. try harder that is. There's so much to do, its impossible to do nothing.

What ends up on the blog is less important than the inspiration, motivation and the process. Its about the ethos of the city, and me.

One thing I've noticed, people give lip service to loving Cincinnati and/or downtown. It's easy for them to say I'm all about downtown when they're promoting themselves.
But its not enough to say it, you have to believe it and live it and I do, or aspire to do just that.
I never claimed to be unbiased, and probably never will be about downtown Cincinnati.
Right now, everyone has declared war on the city, Cincinnati is a punching bag for politicians and people in the burbs worried about their way of life, well I'm pushing back. Pushing back big time.

One of my greatest wishes is that Cincinnati would get over its inferiority complex and realize just how great it is. Stop worrying about Indy and C-Bus and Portland.
This is Porkopolis, its time to embrace our inner pork and let our pork flag fly.
[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati10 comments