happiness smells like delicious pizza and good friends

Are there more birthdays in May than any other month? Seems like it this past month.
A celebration at Via Vite. During Taste. I thought, this isn't gonna end good but I was already tasting a Via Vite pizza so nothing was going to keep me away.
Not the heat, the crowds or fatigue.
But you know what it all worked out, with everyone on the Square, the restaurant was realtively empty, we basiclly walked in and picked out a table and got started.
I still can't believe all the incredible people in my life and I'm glad Epi/ventures included us Saturday night.

Via Vite
Via Vite
Via Vite
Via Vite

your next life changing pizza....
Via Vite
Via Vite

lotsa lotsa picture taking going on
Via Vite

Via ViteVia Vite
Via Vite
Via Vite
Via Vite
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  1. Proof you're never too old to make friends, we were so glad you could make it.

    On an unrelated topic, I just noticed the Google illustration below and it's pretty hilarious.

  2. That was the biggest cigar I ever smoked, can't remember how I ended up with one 8" long.

  3. Great pictures man. And it was nice meeting you and your wife. I hope to see you again soon.

    3r4d 3L0g5ted
