downtown ain't dead yet for all the talking the media does otherwise


the brewhaha on twitter yesterday, i mentioned one thing i do not miss riding the bus is the radio, its just so negative. so this morning i need to drive in and i have 96 on and the two negative morning guys are talking about Giants people in town talking about how amazing downtown is and all the stuff thats going on. pretty cool right?
wrong, the guys on the radio ask, "are we missing something? nothing is happening downtown, as a matter of fact, Havana Martini and Blue Wisp are closing."
never mind the fact Havana isn't really closing so much as changing. and Blue Wisp? it may move to Clifton who knows. the point being i said no one goes to Blue Wisp anyhow and a couple people jumped in talking about how its nice to relax, no one knows you or talks to you, its not a bar to be seen blah, blah, blah.
BULL i say, if I wanted to sit in the dark by myself i could stay at home. When i go out i want to talk to deipnosophists over real drinks and food.

but back to the radio, no wonder people with long commutes have the worse attitudes, if i had to listen to those guys everyday i'd be super negative on the city too. don't forget, they have a vested interest in people living out in the exburbs, the farther your drive the longer you have to listen to the radio.
and their anti streetcar bias? yeah, i doubt they're gonna have a radio in the streetcar.
[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati


  1. Good points all around. People who think that there is nothing going on downtown obviously don't go there that often.

  2. Meanwhile, a 2nd "Just Crepes", Bartini, Passage, SOHO sushi, expanded food service on Fountain Square, multiple food trucks, Fat Cats, Neon, Jack Potts, Mynt, and FB's have/will OPENED in the last 10 months.

  3. Man, this radio thing really burns me up!

    Know what we did DT last night?
    1. Dinner at Palomino's
    2. Watched 6 indi films at Media Bridges for Fringe Film
    3. Watched salsa dancing on the square with a live salsa band
    4. Ate Graeters on the square

    Before you mouth off that there is nothing to do DT - might want to try GOING DT!


  4. With due respect, the Blue Wisp is one of the things to do downtown. I don't go often, but I like to go once in a while, chill, and listen to some music. (And unlike Schwartz's Point, it's an easy walk for me.)

    If they move to Clifton, it'll be the end of the Blue Wisp.

    But I'm not sure why you're pissing all over them. Just because it's not your cup of tea, "no one" goes there? That's almost as bad as the downtown bashers who shout about downtown but keep their asses firmly planted in the suburbs.

  5. Me not liking boring jazz clubs where theres no excitement is the same as lazy downtown bashers? Not even close Donald, try again.
    Me loving high excitement and interaction is the opposite of all that.

  6. who is saying that downtown is dead?! the only people i have heard it from is you cincinnati bloggers...

  7. In school, you scored low in reading comprehension on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills didn't you?

  8. I am sorry that you are unable to appreciate a sophisticated form of music such as Jazz.

  9. So 5chw4r7z, I guess that you would be fine with Music Hall closing or moving then. Isn't just a "boring" classical music venue "where theres no excitement" to titillate you?

  10. Why is it so important for me to like what you like?
    Are you that insecure?
    I'm liking Lavo, Senate and Tonic right now, feel free to hate.

  11. It's not that you 'don't like it', it's the cavalier manner in which you dismissed the possible closure/moving of the Wisp with a particularly callous disregard because you find personally Jazz & the Wisp 'boring'.

  12. The point they're making is that you shouldn't say something is useless or should close because you don't like it. There is a bit of downtown for everyone-- whether you're into live punk or live jazz, the hippest restaurant or an overlooked dive. If everything were hip, well, what would you write about?

  13. The only thing I've found downtown worth my while as far as nightlife goes is Tonic but my buddy's the DJ I guess that makes me biased. (The drinks are amazing though). Every other place I've been to has been a wack, hipster meat market. Not my cup of tea, so I chill in the 'burbs. :)

