Parker Flats Friday
Just hanging out pinching myself right now over this weather, a good six months of hanging out on the tweetdeck watching Reds games, starting Monday at least. I was really wishing there was one last night.
Speaking of the Reds, it looks like opening day weather will be agreeable this year, can't wait. Watch the parade, back home to grill some burgers. Good times.
Sid doesn't know what to make of the city door yet, walking around exploring and talking his head off.
Don't hate me becasue I'm beautiful, hate me because I have this to look at every night.[where:353 w 4th st cincinnati ohio 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati
I live across the street from you and yet your views are 10 times better. Also did you get a cat?