dusting off, digging out

as the snow melts off I uncover long buried, ok from last week, posts.
Such as my mad quest for Fever-Tree ginger beer that took us waaaaay out to Dilly cafe. Normally a trip of this magnitude would require planning not unlike an African safari. But hey, this is 2010 and we all have cell phones and a credit card. What the hell could happen out there in the wilds anyhow right?
OK, there are still street lights. When they stop, so do I.
Dilly Cafe

I don't know why but Brooklyn brewery has it in for me. Brooklyn beer is like my own personal Omar,
"All in the game yo, all in the game."
And last time I did, I was. But this time, with a drive home, somehow I reined it in.

Dilly Cafe
Dilly Cafe

Like I always say, the label grabs me every time. I grabbed a couple IPAs along with the ginger beer.

Dilly Cafe
Dilly Cafe[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio


  1. Good beer choices Bob, the Fever Tree is worth the schlep out of the city. No doubt. The Dark & Stormy was wicked good.

  2. Is Fever Tree good? I love Ginger Beer. I tried the Gosling's after seeing it on here and it's OK.

    My personal favorite, at least in terms of availability, is Bundaberg. Bonus points because I've been there.

