shake it, like a ladder to the sun

We went to a very good friends fathers calling hours last week,she seemed in good spirits and was comforted by all the friends and family.
She has to be one of the sweetest people I know in Cincinnati, so I felt for her.
Afterwards, back home and not having eaten yet, we strolled down to Nada's, one of our fav places to eat downtown.


I'm guessing it was the tacos and beer that did it, along with the emotions of the day, but that night I had the most bizarre dream.
Now I never dream about people that actually exist, well maybe a handful of times that I remember and most of my dreams are also always in black and white.
But this night, and this gets morbid, it was hard enough talking about it once, but after the funeral I learned a close friend had committed suicide. Days later a letter comes in the mail, from her and its written in one of those colored pencils that changed colors three times a letter. brilliant red, yellow, blue over and over. Now the content of the letter wasn't important in the dream but for some reason the gaily over sized colorfully written letter itself was.
Like I said, morbid and somehow fascinating at the same time, like trying to cry and laugh at the same time.

[where:600 Walnut St, Cincinnati 45202]cincinnati ohio downtown


  1. look at that horsey lookin at you! he's so cute! he was prolly like, "hey bob! how's it hangin? got some extra chips for me?!"

    too cute!

  2. Hows it hanging?

    He did seem confused about the whole window thing.

  3. wow, i really love the colors in your nada photos... the blues and yellows are beautiful. i love that particular shade of blue on the glasses.
