when I wear my helmet....

when I wear my helmet....

So when most people see this they probably think its really funny, or don't see the humor in it at all. I thinks its funny on one level but on another level I feel total empathy with this person.
I used to be pretty wierd about food, and some people would say I still am. But even though I've come along way I still have my moments, some co-workers think its funny because I dig through the drawer looking for my "Tony the Tiger" spoon to eat cereal.
Just isn't the same without it.
Oh and pizza, I can only eat off my Mom's 45 year old hand-me-down plastic wedding gift plates.
(one of which exploded spectacularly one cold morning when I sat toast on it. but thats a story for another day, a story which would include me liking my toast pulled from the toaster a nano-second before it bursts into flame.)
I'm sure theres a couple other ones out there that I don't feel are odd but maybe Ms. 5chw4r7z would disagree.


  1. I'm fond of peanut butter on my ham sandwich - which I don't think is too odd

  2. I used to have a Nestle Quik spoon that I used for cereal. Someone stole it when I was in college...cereal just hasn't been the same since.
