Not living downtown is for suckers

Remember growing up the one family in the neighborhood with a pool would throw a huge party for everyone?
Yeah me either, I don't remember anyone in my neighborhood with a pool.
Just makes this pool at the Gramercy even more special, I'm still amazed that it exists right downtown.
Saw all the usual suspects and met a few new ones.
And drank way too much beer.

Gramercy Pool PartyGramercy Pool PartyGramercy Pool PartyGramercy Pool PartyGramercy Pool PartyGramercy Pool PartyGramercy Pool PartyGramercy Pool Party[where:135 Garfield Pl Cincinnati, ohio 45202]cincinnati ohio downtown gramercy


  1. Looks like a blast...not living Downtown is for suckers.

  2. you got that right - dt is the place to be. i had this thought today about lying to all my mutually exclusive groups of liberal artsy friends that cincy has a thriving young urban population, getting them all to move here, and introducing them to each other. you know, to perpetuate the illusion. but then... it'd become real. i'm a dreamer, what can i say?

  3. I am starting to second guess myself on this though, for instance its getting harder to walk around on weekend nights now.
    I kind of miss the old days when I had the sidewalks to myself.
    One difference, I'm trying to convince all my conservative artsy friends to move downtown.
    I guess there's always downtown West Chester if Cincy gets too lively!
