Every once in a while I'm dragged kicking and screaming out of downtown, and this time I liked it

After the Beer Sellar and City View Tavern I must have got two dozens emails telling me to I had to hit Pirates Cove.
So I did.
What an absolutely perfect evening we chose to go too, warm but breezy, just an absolutely incredible night. The food was delicious, the drinks cold and the band competent.
What more can you ask for?
Well, it could be within walking distance of downtown, but I guess I can't have everything or it would be too good and you'd be forced to kill me.

Pirates CovePirates Cove
I was super massive excited to find that they carried Landshark, buy it for the label, drink it for the taste.
I should be in advertising. The Margaritaville Brewing Co., can have that one on me.
Pirates Cove
For me, a cheeseburger in paradise has no cheese.
Pirates Cove
we all got burgers because we're just that original
Pirates CovePirates CovePirates CoveCincinnati from 471
Pirate's Cove Tropical Bar & Grill on Urbanspoon[where:4609 Kellogg Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45226]cincinnati ohio restaurants


  1. It reminds me of Ludlow-Bromley Yacht Club, only slightly more expensive (and it probably takes credit cards). I love LBYC, so it looks like I need to take in Pirate's Cove. Plus, I bet it's a blast the day of a Buffett concert.


  2. Click on Pirates Cove in the first sentence and it will take you to their website.
    AHH the beauty of hyperlinks.
    blogger doesn't do a good job of highlighting them, I should probably go back over them myself.

  3. I should have noticed that, whoops.

  4. I love Pirates Cove!!! It's such a great place to hang out and relax!

  5. The Cove is where it's at! Now you'll have to hit Drew's on the River/Ferry some fine summer night. Are there any other places like these that I'm not aware of? Anyone?

  6. I never ate there till this season. They have great specials now that make it very affordable. check them out on www.findcheapfood.com
