nei pesci ci fidiamo: St. William, Price Hill
This past week the Fish Fry roadshow traveled west to St. William in Price Hill. Everyone I know always jokes around about getting lost when going to the west side, but luckily this was pretty much a straight shot from downtown so we had no problems at all.
St. William was my favorite fish fry yet this season. They are highly organized, people with tablets taking your order while in line and the cashiers on computers waiting to take your money. I didn't see them but I'm guessing they have computers in the back for the cooks and servers. St. William was also doing a booming business with take outs, people didn't even get out of their cars.
St. William is a well oiled machine.
The fish and breading were flavorful and crunchy. The fries were very good and these were the first church hush puppies that actually had flavor!
The cole slaw was the one let down at St. William's, no one is is perfect. Not yet at least.
St. William's fish fry is well worth a trip to Price Hill and I gave them 4 fish.

1 fish fried
Looks fantastic! That might have to be our next stop if I can convince my crew to venture to the west side :)