Cincy Gold Sprints
I follow bike blogs from all over the country and I've read about these roller races happening in Portland and Brooklyn. I always thought how cool would it be for something like that to happen in Cincinnati. And it finally has with the Cincy Gold Sprints held at Rhinegeist Brewery.
The Gold Sprints are a lactate threshold inducing 200 meter anaerobic sprint to 200 meters. The Gold Sprints are like a sharknado except with bikes. Next up I think they should build a Red Bull style velodrome in Rhinegeist.
The bike scene in Cincinnati keeps getting bigger and bigger and you can literally see it happening on the streets. Every summer since I've moved here the number of people riding around has seemingly squared. You can sit on Vine St in OTR and see a bike come by every 2 - 3 minutes. Incredible. And its just going to get better.

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