your anti-fish fry

I'm from the north were there's nothing really sacred about fried chicken, it was just something you ate when mom was bowling and dad took you all to KFC because he doesn't cook.
I always figured you had to go to the south for the good stuff, quality fried chicken.
I didn't know the south considered it a sport as well!
When Paige invited us to the all you can eat fried chicken night at the Colonial Cottage in Erlanger I wasn't going to compete, it just sounded like fun.
And delishiness.
You know what would be awesome2? all you can eat fried chicken skin!
OK, maybe it doesn't sound as cool once I say it out loud, but that is the best part.

well hello chicken

ok, this tripped my gag meter, cheese covered salmon

even though its all you can eat fried chicken you have to save room for the pies at Colonial Cottage, I hear thats what they're known for.

this was super cool in my book, there were four firefighters at the cashier in front of me. Matt the manager/owner? walked up grabbed their bills and basiclly told them their money was no good there.
Thats old school supporting your community there.

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1 fried chicken
I love that you are experiencing our side of the river! What a swell group of friends to share all these new places with!