Skirtz & Johnston @ Findlay Market

After our first visit to Skirtz & Johnston when I mistakenly ate a goetta pastry and was all weirded out about it I felt I really owed them another shot. And this time it paid off big time. Chilli and chicken noodle soup and a big hunk of bread is just what was needed on a sunny Saturday morning.
I have to add this, the first four years in Cincinnati we'd hit Findlay Market once a year. Yeah, four trips in four years. But the last two years we've been coming much more often, it takes a new way of looking at things, a change in lifestyle to really embrace the place. Now we're planning and schemeing on ways to get there more often. Riding the bikes up is looking like the best bet. It's definately walkable when you have tons of time to kill but the bikes will make it more accessable.

Findlay Market

I like this display better than the creepy deer at Christmas.
Findlay Market
Findlay Market
Findlay Market
Findlay Market

Bribing me with dark chocolate will get you props and mentioned in the blog everytime @qblairelizabeth
Findlay Market
Findlay Market
Findlay Market

Sure, everyone has a game plan until you sit down at a wine tasting. Then the rest of the day is toast.
Findlay Market
Findlay Market
Findlay Market
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  1. Mr. Daisy Mae and I skipped the Valentines and exchanged chocolate goodies from Skirtz & Johnston this year. Unbelievably good stuff. And so glad to hear you're becoming a regular at Findlay Market. Hope to see you at Daisy Mae's Market soon.

  2. Those chocolate cups with moose and fruit were amazing. AND we bought supplies for our Vday dinner at Daisy Mae's. We always do for our produce.
