Queen City Square II and The Banks a year ago

These were originally posted a year ago today, amazing what they did in a year, and under budget.


The work is going fast and furious on the Banks also, I love this rending of what it will look like when finished.
The Banks
The Banks
The Banks
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  1. Under budget? Wow, I didn't think that was possible in construction. That's amazing!

  2. From workers at The Banks I hear the project is a mess with no real clear direction. Hope that's not the case. Crazy to see 46 stories in Great American go up in the same time the banks built a two story parking garage.

  3. Really? With the Moerlein Ale House and the announcement that 4 new tenants are are the verge of signing would suggest just the opposite.

  4. Anonymous@9:00 -- Great American tower was built by one private company. It may have gone up quickly, but plans for the tower have been in the works for at least a decade, as with The Banks.

    The Banks is a mixture of Hamilton County's garages, the City's roads, and private development on top of the garages. It also has to deal with federal flood regulations as the garage raises the site out of the flood plain. They also have to deal with keeping the same number of parking spaces open during the entire construction process, whereas Great American was able to demolish the existing parking garage and re-build from scratch.

  5. The perspective of a construction worker is markedly different from that of say, an engineer, planner, or developer. While there may be some lack of direction on the "front lines," it definitely doesn't seem to be stemming from any problems at the top.

  6. The banks will succeed
