hittin some pins

couldn't do this all the time and haven't for years but as an excuse to hang out with good friends a bowling outing isn't a bad way to go at all. kind of funny actually, we cleaned the dust out of the gutters for them.
shoutout to Mojojacob for winning the party and inviting all of us, food and bowling for all
knockin em down
knockin em down
thats how we roll
knockin em down
knockin em down
larger than life size, we lol'd when they brought it out, i won't complain about how much a Senate hotdog cost anymore, they're a bargain compared to this.
knockin em down
knockin em down
knockin em down
knockin em down
then we split like 2 pins at the end of a lane[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati


  1. It's a good thing we're friends, and I love you despite you posting ridiculous pictures of me all over the Internet.

    Fun times.

  2. Looking good Jenny!!
