Dangerwheel sure took a giant step up this year. The last time I spectated the crowd was maybe one person deep in places when we showed up this year I was astonished at the crowd. The transformation of Dangerwheel pretty much mirrors the transformation that Pendleton has undergone this year.
We grabbed a couple adult beverages and began to make our way up the hill when we saw a tiny gap to see the course and I stopped to look because by the reaction of the crowd I could tell a couple competitors were getting close. As I waited for the racers to approach a little boy, maybe five, six, seven rushed past me, jumped on a hay bail and threw a water balloon with all his might and just like that a dangerwheel appeared and the rider's helmet intersected the water balloons trajectory with a dramatic splat. Everyone including me laughed and clapped with surprise.
And that pretty much sums up the afternoon, riders flying past while people with water balloons, purchased with proceeds going to charity, flung balloon after balloon at them.
I hope they add bleachers and grandstands next year. But either way, we'll be back.

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