nei pesci ci fidiamo: Tucker's at Bockfest Hall
The Friday Fish Fry roadshow is back in business!
The first fish fry of the season took us to Bockfest and to Bockfest Hall where Carla Tucker of Tucker's Restaurant served up 800 servings of fish to benefit the St. Francis Seraph school in OTR. Carla will be doing this every Friday during lent so don't feel like you've missed out on all of the fun. Just some of it.
The first fish fry of the season is always the hardest to rate since we hadn't got a base line yet. But I have two years of fish fries to fall back on now.
The biggest bonus ever to going to Bockfest Hall? Running into and talking to the beer Baron himself, Greg Hardman. We also had him sign our passports. Good times. Greg and Moerlein have been brewing beer for 10 yrs now, heres to another 100!

I'm going to give Tuckers a 2.75 out of five fish.

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