Cincinnatians For Progress fundraiser

The Cincinnatians For Progress are hosting a fund-raiser tonight to fight the job-killing, growth-killing, investment-killing anti-rail amendment. An amendment fueled by anti-city Anderson Twnshp based CAVE* men.
Back in 2009, when the special interest group backed Issue 9 they said they just wanted the citizens of Cincinnati to have a vote in the Streetcar, even though the issue had broader implications. If the issue failed they said, smug in their flawed logic that it wouldn't, they would have to go home.
Well fail it did, but they don't care, they've even gone as far to say all work on the streetcar should stop until people have a chance to vote.
Well the people of Cincinnati did vote, voted loud and clear. And they want the streetcar.

Tonight help fight special interests, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at The Blue Wisp, Cincinnatians For Progress will host a fund raiser, a suggested donation of $25.
Or you can donate, securely here.

cincinnati streetcar

Image courtesy; Cincinnati Streetcar Blog

*Citizens Against Virtually Everything
The CAVE men are a large, fractious confederation of people who are defined by what they are against. They are reactionary, wrongheaded and backward looking.[where: 45202]best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, 5chw4r7z! It went very well. We're seeing tremendous energy on the side of stopping the amendment, and look forward to putting it to good use.

    It looks like city voters understand that, no matter what they think of the streetcar plan, this amendment is a terrible idea.

    Margaret McGurk
    Co-chair, Cincinnatians For Progress
