I could be anywhere but I'm here

I'm still a picky eater but at one point in time I was really picky. I'm talking plain pasta, dry toast picky.
Eating was just another task to rush through and finish. Then I met Laura and David and it is no exaggeration to say they blew my mind food wise.
I actually started thinking about what I was eating and that, holy shit, fresh quality ingredients made all the difference in the world.
And here is the thing, I'd take a taste something and I could tell there were all kinds of things going on but I couldn't identify them. David can relate everything he is tasting, once he points it out I can pick out every nuance he just articulated. Interesting, cool stuff.
Another interesting fact about the 'Nomerati, she can't just have dinner. Oh no, it has to be an event.
Which is why I never pass up an invitation to eat anything she serves. I even gave tofu an honest try. I didn't like it but I tried it.
(They were really big chunks and I've heard small pieces are the way to go.)
Hey look, a Lucky Cat army!
Laura's party
Laura's party
Laura's party
Laura's party
Laura's party
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