Experience Music Project Museum
Years ago, another lifetime almost I went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. I hated it. Music didn't translate to static items for me. Oh look, the clothes the Beatles wore on some random tour. How much more to this museum is there?
Fast forward to Seattle at the end of last year and Ms 5chw4r7z wanting to visit the Experience Music Project Museum. I didn't want to go but I was due to take one for the team.
Lucky for me the Experience Music Project Museum is completely different. Instead of relying solely on props EMP has a nonstop barrage of video's, music and displays to demonstrate the evolution of pop culture. From the crude A-HA videos all the way up to the Gorillaz's CGI.
There is nothing like seeing music videos blown up larger than life. I'm not much of a music fan, not to a geeky level at least, and I enjoyed EMP so I'm betting if you are a big fan you'll love this place. Put it on your list if you're heading to Seattle.

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