"People say I don't have vision" stated Council Member Chris Smitherman "I have a vision and that vision is for Cincinnati to not go bankrupt"

Two thoughts jumped to mind when I heard this.

#1 What people? The old news media repeats every word Smitherman utters as gosple truth. Hey, wait one second, Cincinnati bloggers have been very vocal in their criticism of Smitherman. Interesting.
#2 that isn't a vision, the a base minimum for every Citizen of Cincinnati and downright embarrassing that a council member would say it.
What I hear is that Chris Smitherman's goal is for Cincinnati to be in good financial shape, but he has no idea how to get the city there. Smitherman's thinking instead of a solid plan maybe he can manage the city into a shallow death spiral until Cincinnati crashes and burns. This of course happens in some future time after he's grabbed all the glory.
Lets put this baseball perspective for a second. Do you feel Joey Votto's goal when he walks up to the plate is to not strike out? Hell no, every time he walks up to the plate he can already see the ball splashing into the Ohio River.

We need more Joey Vottos on city council and less Drew Stubbs.
Chris Smitherman

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1 comment

1 comment:

  1. Can anyone point to something this clown has accomplished during his time on council?
