don't you wish you were dead like me

I really hope Bakersfield considers this a success and does Día de los Muertos again next year. Everyone I saw and talked to was having a blast.
I realized Cinco de Mayo and Día de los Muertos are six months apart. Then thought, America really does steal everyone's ideas, we stuck the 4th of July and Christmas six months apart. Boggles the mind if you think too deeply about it.

Día de los Muertos
Día de los Muertos
Día de los Muertos
Día de los Muertos
The Dead and the Big "D"
Día de los Muertos
Día de los Muertos
Día de los Muertos
Día de los Muertos
The Dallas Moore Band, the rockinest group I've seen in a long time.
never heard them before and they had me halfway through the first song.
Día de los Muertos
Día de los Muertos
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