The 39 Steps at The Faclon Theatre

Somewhere someone told me The 39 Steps was a spoof of all the Hitchcock movies, and I heard that repeated a few times last night. Watching the show I started thinking I needed to go back and rewatch Hitchcock because I wasn't picking up which movies were being spoofed. Looking up The 39 Steps this morning I found out it was written in 1915 and later made into a movie by Hitchcock in 1935, one of his first. So that explained my confusion, not a spoof of Hitchcock at all but a Hitchcock spoof. Subtle difference there.

39 Steps Falcon Theatre

What is The 39 Steps? A four actor show, one woman and three men. Dan Doerger portrays the protagonist, Richard Hannay. Elizabeth Molloy plays all three of his varied love interests. Mike Hall and Donnie McGovern play the other 40 roles with their varying accents, sometimes multiple roles and accents in one scene changing characters with the switch of a hat.
39 Steps Falcon Theatre

Falcon is one of the smallest most intimate stages in the area so no matter where you are sitting you almost feel part of the action. Action that is fast paced and hilarious. The props are cleverly done and are the costume changes. If you don't see many theater productions this should be on your short list. You can find more info on Falcon's webpage.
I should also add this was a yelp! sponsored event so it was free.
Thanks yelp!
39 Steps Falcon Theatre
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