Six years running! Who knew the City Flea was going to be this big of a hit and have massive staying power? I called it after their very first Flea, June 2011 when I said "While some events take years or months to mature or never even really get a foothold to begin with, The City Flea seems to be an instant hit. "
The first City Flea of 2017 dawned grey but it didn't stop the usual crowds from showing up to peruse all the unique vendors and displays. All the vendors you remember were there and with some churn over the winter there were some cool new home grown products to check out.

The guys from
Fickle Skateboards were out, I'm not in the skateboard scene but these guys were hustling their Northside build skateboards so hard I felt they deserved a shoutout.

Rockstar baker Blair Fornshell was there promoting her brick and mortar shop
Brown Bear Bakery, set to open mid-June, cross your fingers. I won't have to hit one coffee shop on Wednesday and a different one on Friday to find her baked goods anymore. I'll get them at Clay and 13th every single day, and so can you.

Sam has the right idea, drinking cold filtered freedom.

Protip, park at The Banks or Fountain Square and ride the streetcar. Seriously, or ride a bike. Traffic is horrible around the park and you won't find a close spot anyhow.

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