Cincy Summer Streets

“The street is the river of life for the city. We come here not to escape them, but to partake them.”
~ William H. Whyte

People belong in the street. For generations the streets were where we shopped, conversed, laughed, watched one another. When we did use the street for travel, it was slowly - by foot, by horse, by bicycle, by streetcar. Then came the automobile, and the social fabric of street life was all but abolished.
Cincy Summer Streets aims to rectify this by opening up the citys largest public spaces, its streets to everyone.
For a couple hours Sunday, Northside was able to enjoy one of its biggest assets, walking, biking, skateboarding and a few other forms of transport that may or may not have been practical.
But were fun.
I can't wait until our current car centric mayor is gone after 2017 and we can do more of these.

Cincy Summer Streets
Cincy Summer Streets
Cincy Summer Streets
It was 102° on the ground in Northside and the water mister was popular.
Cincy Summer Streets
Cincy Summer Streets
Cincy Summer Streets
Cincy Summer Streets
Cincy Summer Streets
Cincy Summer Streets
Cincy Summer Streets
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