Final Friday: August
I've always loved Final Fridays in OTR and when we first moved to Cincinnati that was the only night we'd step foot into the neighborhood. Of course over the years its grown. The crowds would be bigger or smaller depending on the weather and what artists were showing. I've noticed over the last year or so the event has turned into more of a social event than an arts event as galleries along Main St have closed. Which lead into a conversation that maybe the majority of people in OTR on a Friday night had no idea anything special was happening as they waited hours to get into a Vine St restaurant. Would it surprise anyone if there were more people in OTR on a typical Wednesday/Thursday night than there was for a Final Friday 6 years ago? Is a Final Friday event even important anymore? I think it still is, where else can you go to see edgy art these days? Main St and the Art Academy are carrying the torch for now and hopefully down the road some new venues such as the Red Door project will spring up. But for now we can still look forward to art on the last Friday of every month.

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