Mascot Broomball on Fountain Square

Normally they would have Mascot Broomball before the broomball season began, not sure what happened this year but one thing didn't change, it was cold!

Fountain square Broomball
Fountain square Broomball
Fountain square Broomball
C. Trent Rosecrans, a Reds reporter, is always tweeting "let them run!" so I think he would have been excited about this. Rosie Red, Mr. Red and Mr. Redlegs acually running a race instead of an animation on the scoreboard.
Fountain square Broomball
Fountain square Broomball
See, in case someone was wondering if mascots work as advertising, I had to google this ice cream cone. But this might also be a tale of how not to do it as Menchie's Yogurt has no locations in Cincinnati! OOPS!
Fountain square Broomball
Fountain square Broomball
Fountain square Broomball
Fountain square Broomball
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  1. What I always wondered is why no Who Dey...?

  2. This is an event I would avoid like the plague... big headed mascots freak me the F out!!!
