a couple cold days don't disprove climate change

It doesn't prove it either.
People have short memories, and attach too much relevance to anecdotal evidence, no one ever claimed that seasons don't exist anymore. Having a couple brutally cold days in January doesn't disprove climate change. Like anything else you have to step back and look at trends, not the unique experience you had yesterday.
Cincinnati had 38 days of 0° or lower temps in the 70's, 42 days in the 80s, and just 38 days from 1990-2013.
For those math challenged that is an average of 3.8 below zero days a year during the 70's, 4.2 days a year during the 80s and just 1.65 days a year from 1990 until now. So if you feel like this cold weather is unusual and you're less than 24 years old you are 100% correct.
It is unusual.
frosty Ohio River
[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

light play

light play
[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

plan cities for cars and traffic, you get cars and traffic

“If you plan cities for cars and traffic, you get cars and traffic. If you plan for people and places, you get people and places.” Fred Kent
Cincinnati Streetcar
I would really like to forget about the Cincinnati streetcar until its built I really would, but a couple of our leaders, the mayor and two council people have forgotten the election is over and they are still on the campaign trail. Councilperson Murray has been ranting and raving about the burden the streetcar will put on the operating budget that she is trying to balance. She does realize it won't be built for two more years right? And that the Haile Foundation is picking up the tab for the first 10 years? That gives her 12 years before it costs the city another penny. Well except for the $3 million the mayor racked up pausing construction.
People do a quick informal survey of SUV driving neighbors in their cul-de-sac and armed with that anecdotal evidence decide no one will ride a streetcar around downtown/OTR. The state auditor, who is also campaigning against the streetcar is claiming no more than a hundred people a day will ride it. Interestingly ODOT estimated 6,000+ a day and HDR estimated 5,000 to 7,900 trips a day.
UPDATE: SORTA has said very clearly in the December hearings that it was comfortable with 3,000 rides a day, not including Reds games and special events.. Actually, they'll do better because the OKI Travel Demand Mode doesn't capture non-work trips very well. And there will be a lot of those.
But what do these trained professionals know anyhow.
I have to wonder if the obsessive safety culture that exists is partly to blame. How many times have you heard it will spread crime. Or what if you have to sit next to "one of those people".
Downtown I watched two couples get into a car as I walked past, they drove two blocks and pulled in at another spot getting out as I again walked past.
I suppose they too believe no one will ever ride a streetcar.
[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

is this even legal?

I don't know anything about building codes, but sticking a pipe out of a Kettering window to continuously drain water seems like it would violate a few. The water is slowly digging its own version of the Grand Canyon down the hill.
But when it gets to the street is where the truly amazing part starts. From the top of E. Sheilds St to the first storm drain the water has frozen, built up and over flowed the curb and is working its way to the sidewalk.
Can't believe the person did this never thought "wow, maybe this isn't too cool?"

[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

Cited - iSPYCiNCY's Website Relaunch Celebration

Isn't it amazing how adaptable people are? It seems like its been so cold for so long a night with no breeze and a temp of 18 is starting to feel, if not comfortable, not unbearable either.
With that in mind we all gathered for a hot party on a very cool night for "Cited" the relaunch of iSPYCiNCY's website.

iSPYCiNCY - Website Relaunch Celebration
iSPYCiNCY - Website Relaunch Celebration
iSPYCiNCY - Website Relaunch Celebration
iSPYCiNCY - Website Relaunch Celebration
iSPYCiNCY - Website Relaunch Celebration
iSPYCiNCY - Website Relaunch Celebration
iSPYCiNCY - Website Relaunch Celebration
iSPYCiNCY - Website Relaunch Celebration
iSPYCiNCY - Website Relaunch Celebration
[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

Sid Saturday

[where: 45202] sid kitty cat Cincinnati Ohio parker flats lilac point Siamese Oriental Siam

Queen City Square

[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

its as cold as it looks out there

yep. its coming down
Fountain Square
[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati
1 big shiver


One hundred years of architectural sediment is in the process of being peeled away at 221 W 4th. St. The building was always beautiful from the waist up and if it is restored down to the sidewalk will now be good looking in its entirety.
A quick Google search revealed;
"Andries Nielen was a photographer who traveled the world in the 1920s taking photographs which he then made into postcards. He had a publishing company for many years in downtown Cincinnati at 221-223 W. 4th Street known as The A. Nielen Co. They were known as a publisher and importer of cheap and fast selling ten cent serial books. Nielen almost always typed little gems of wisdom on the back of his postcards."

221 W 4th
[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

Mascot Broomball on Fountain Square

Normally they would have Mascot Broomball before the broomball season began, not sure what happened this year but one thing didn't change, it was cold!

Fountain square Broomball
Fountain square Broomball
Fountain square Broomball
C. Trent Rosecrans, a Reds reporter, is always tweeting "let them run!" so I think he would have been excited about this. Rosie Red, Mr. Red and Mr. Redlegs acually running a race instead of an animation on the scoreboard.
Fountain square Broomball
Fountain square Broomball
See, in case someone was wondering if mascots work as advertising, I had to google this ice cream cone. But this might also be a tale of how not to do it as Menchie's Yogurt has no locations in Cincinnati! OOPS!
Fountain square Broomball
Fountain square Broomball
Fountain square Broomball
Fountain square Broomball
[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

Sid Saturday

[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

dunnhumby Centre

A view of the dunnhumby Centre construction on Race between 5th and 6th.
A view you don't get every day. Well you could, but you don't.
dunnhumby Centre
dunnhumby Centre
dunnhumby Centre
dunnhumby Centre
[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

Pill Hill sunrise

Pill Hill #sunrise
[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

The Eagle OTR

We flew to the The Eagle OTR to see what the squawking was about, quite a bit it turns out.
American fare, 100 different beers including sixteen on tap. And the price points, this is probably one of the more reasonable places to eat in OTR and you don't sacrifice taste or quality because of it.
We started off with a few sides, a sweet potato crock and spoonbread. They both came out in cast iron skillets, something amazing always happens to food cooked in cast iron, I don't know what it is but its awesome. You know how corn on the cob from that road side stand tastes like sunshine in your mouth? That's exactly what the Eagle's cornbread tastes like, fresh corn. It was crazy good.
The Eagle's chicken is pressure cooked, super crispy skin with equally tender meat. I think The Eagle just ruined chicken from anywhere else for me. The chicken is seasoned heavily with pepper which I've heard isn't to everyone's taste but I loved it.

The Eagle OTR
The Eagle OTR
Something the 'Nomerati turned me on to, 1/2 New Holland's The Poet, 1/2 Bourbon Barrel Ale.
Good stuff. I always say, keep your friends close, but keep the 'Nomerati's beer recommendations closer.
The Eagle OTR
The Eagle OTR
The Eagle OTR
The Eagle OTR
The Eagle OTR
The Eagle OTR
The Eagle OTR
The Eagle OTR
The Eagle Food and Beer Hall on Urbanspoon[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

socialist? most overused word of the last five years?

comrade streetcar
whether we drive or not our taxes subsidize oil production
whether we drive or not our taxes subsidize roads
whether we drive or not our taxes subsidize car manufacturers
whether we drive or not our taxes subsidize traffic cops
but transit that we actually pay to use is socialist?
Hatred of the streetcar has everything to do with people in their cars fearing the urban dwellers who are empowered and liberated by mass transit and nothing to do with socialism.
[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

The Tony the Tiger spoon

I remember growing up I always had to use a certain spoon and bowl or I couldn't fully enjoy my cereal. Now thats getting to be a long time ago so I can't remember exactly but I swear it was a Tony the Tiger spoon. Fast forward a few years to today and at the office in the morning I'll be frantically digging for my favorite spoon and Brodi3man always ends up walking in laughing and asking if I'm looking for my Tony the Tiger spoon.
There is no moral to this story or funny twist, just me and my OCD and the fact my brother MPC got me one of the best birthday presents ever.

Tony the Tiger
[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati

Sid Saturday

[where: 45202] sid kitty cat Cincinnati Ohio parker flats lilac point Siamese Oriental Siam

Little Kings Broomball

Broomball on Fountain Square! Yes its that time of year again and that hockey game in Michigan had nothing on Fountain Square last night with heavy snow falling. Interesting after that intense cold earlier in the week that they would be on the ice in rather warm (for January) conditions. But sadly the Little Kings dropped anotheer one point game after hanging two balls bounce off the bar out of the net instead of into it.
Next week baby, next week.
Broomball 2014
Broomball 2014
Broomball 2014
Broomball 2014
Broomball 2014
Broomball 2014
Broomball 2014
[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati