Qualls 2013

Did you see the story last week in the local paper talking about people attacking Roxanne's opponent in the comments? And then whoever manages his campaign's facebook account tried fighting back?
It was comical. Hasn't anyone told these guys you don't feed the trolls?
They were defending their job creation position. never mind that Roxanne's opponent wants to eliminate a city department with good wages and benefits and replace them with jobs providing poverty level wages. To eliminate poverty.
To cynics it could look like a plan to shift city money to businesses that support Cranley and his anti-city supporters. Most of whom aren't located in the city. Yeah, think about that, Cranley's biggest donors are not located in the city. Who is he going to be looking out for if by some miracle he gets elected? It won't be the residents or businesses of Cincinnati.

OK, you're going to say as a downtown resident I have vested interest in seeing Roxanne elected. Damn right I do, from what I've seen so far Cranley's main goal as mayor is to put a f#@king end to everything I think is cool in Cincinnati.

If you feel the same way, there will be a fundraiser for Roxanne this Thursday at El Coyote 41 East Sixth Street. You can find more information here.
Meanwhile, Quimbob posted a video that is so over the top it had me laughing. But its not any more over the top than Cranley's own commercials.

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  1. TASED! With 50 thousand VOLTS

  2. What's really bad about that ad is that it's made by his current friends!
