OKI Interactive Bike Map

OKI is a council of local governments, business organizations and community groups committed to developing collaborative strategies to improve the quality of life and the economic vitality of the region.
They've developed an interactive bike map for Cincinnati and they'd like your input over the next two weeks February 1 -17 before they lock it down and distribute it to recreational riders and commuters.
They are asking "Are the streets rated Recommended, Alternate and Not Recommended still accurate? Are there problem intersections that should be marked? Do you have a route that you prefer that's not marked?"

Check out their map here and leave some comments to help improve riding in the city.

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  1. It's kinda goofy - most of the 'recommended' routes don't go anywhere & all the business centers - places you would want to go - are cautionary yellow.
    Virtually any intersection with a right turn lane is dangerous.

  2. And that's exactly why they want our input.
