Race St has a view!

Goodbye ugly skywalk to nowhere.

Race St skywalk coming down #downtowncincy #construction #cincinnati #ohio #development

how awesome is Race St now without that skywalk? gdamn awesome! #downtowncincy #cincinnati #ohio
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  1. Looks so much better. I wonder why they kept that Skywalk to Nowhere around so long?

    1. I believe it was built with the intention of another department store being built there, and thus the skywalk would have connected it with the other department stores and Tower Place Mall. The deal with Nordstrom fell through, and the skywalk simply remained because there was no real reason to spend any money to demolish it.

    2. The building that the skywalk accessed was torn down many years ago and probably left in place to access any new building that was to replace it.

  2. Why didn't they make it an apartment?

  3. More important, why do they need to diffuse 3 lanes of traffic, 1 on each side, to build? In NYC and Chicago they manage to build 40 story high rises without closing so much as the sidewalk for a few weeks.
