apartments at the Baldwin Piano Co

We were able to check out the views that apartment dwellers will be enjoying from the historic Baldwin Piano Company building the its finally converted from office space. I have no idea what rents will be but with these views they probably won't be cheap. But who knows, like I said I don't know. The plans call for 16 apartments on each floor of around 1000 sgft each. The slanted windows on the 8th floor will be pulled out and those 8th floor apartments will have an open air deck to enjoy. The views in every direction are amazing but I have to admit I'm biased and I think the downtown view is the best. The people on the south end of the building will have a lot of friends come Riverfest time. One other interesting note is 7.5% of the property taxes generated will go to the Walnut Hills Redevelopment Foundation to support other neighborhood redevelopment activity.

Baldwin Piano Co
Baldwin Piano Co
Baldwin Piano Co
Baldwin Piano Co
Baldwin Piano Co
Baldwin Piano Co
Baldwin Piano Co
Baldwin Piano Co
Baldwin Piano Co
[where: 45202] best place to learn how to live downtown cincinnati ohio the ethos of Cincinnati
3 dramatic views


  1. per that view

    1. You have a more J.R.R. Tolkien vision of the world than I do.

    2. nah, more Little Nemo
      or Rarebit Fiend
